Radio/Audio Production alumnus Aiden Mohr on alternative paths to success in broadcasting
Author: Lenore Carey

Thursday, March 28, 2024
Tuning in to Holmberg’s Morning Sickness on 98KUPD was the young Aiden Mohr’s daily routine on his ride to school. Obsessed with the theatrics of the radio business, the young boy wondered if a career in broadcasting was even a remote possibility. Twelve years later, at nineteen years old, Aiden works alongside John Holmberg at Hubbard Radio, the company which operates the legendary rock stations KUPD, KSLX, and KDKB out of Scottsdale, Arizona.
When Aiden entered middle school, his early appreciation for radio got pushed to the back-burner of his mind. He spent his free time tinkering with software like Adobe Audition to create short films for his own enjoyment. By 12 years old, his parents were pressuring him to consider a program at EVIT. Although he was thoroughly disinterested in traditional career options, Aiden agreed to check out the EVIT Expo to learn more about the photography program.
While wandering around the EVIT Expo, Aiden encountered a friendly Radio/Audio Production student. “[He] takes me into the on-air studio, and he hands me the headphones and turns on the mic. ‘Do me a favor, read that.’ I read my script and take off my headphones. At this point the second-year is looking at me like he just saw something randomly insane. He was like, ’Your talents would be wasted if you went to the photography department. You have a voice for radio.’ So, of course I fell for the radio sales pitch.” A quick listen to 88.7 The Pulse on the drive home sealed the deal: Aiden was a future radio student.
Once at EVIT, Aiden demonstrated his commitment to the radio program. He maintained a 4.0 GPA and was accepted into the National Technical Honors Society. Before graduating Radio/Audio Production in May 2023, Aiden was a student program director overseeing KVIT-FM’s award for #1 high school radio station in the country, presented by the 2023 John Drury High School Radio Awards. He was also recognized for Best Sportscast and Best Newscast in the same year. Additionally, he received 2nd place at SkillsUSA Regionals. In his second year at EVIT, Aiden dived deep into radio with his classmate Alex Carlson, producing the culture-based show “TikTok Tuesdays” from the studios of 88.7 The Pulse.
Unfortunately, Aiden’s high school experience was not as positive as his time at EVIT. “When I was in radio my first year, I had just left high school. There was a bunch of threats to school at that time. It was bad. I dropped out of [high school] and went to [online school]. I did maybe, two units of [online school] and then dropped out of high school altogether for two years. In the last month of EVIT, I pretty much completed the entirety of online high school. I never cared about my GPA in high school. For some reason, I was more driven to have a perfect GPA with EVIT.”
As a Promotions Assistant at Hubbard Radio, Aiden organizes events, facilitates DJ meet-and-greets, and visits concerts and festivals on behalf of KUPD and its sister stations. His job has many perks: free concert tickets, signed posters, and the opportunity to engage with the community and famous musicians alike. Outside of his job at Hubbard, Aiden owns and operates AJ’s Audio/Visual Services, which provides commercials and social media promotions to a wide variety of companies.
Interestingly, Aiden was one of the few EVIT students who did not attend Conservatory of Recordings Arts & Sciences after graduation. “I was driven, because I wanted to show up for Hubbard and not have to go to college for some degree.” Aiden explained. He views post-secondary education as unnecessary to qualify for entry-level industry jobs, unless the student wants to pursue higher education.
Aiden is regretful that he spent most of his time at EVIT learning about radio, and neglected his music production assignments. “If you’re going to EVIT, don’t be as close-minded as I was… do more lessons on the audio side. Because at the end of the day, you don’t know how long you’re going to have in the radio industry in the real world.” he advised, speaking about the consolidation of the broadcast industry. He has another valuable piece of advice which he learned on the job at KUPD: “If you’re on a team, make sure that you’re not just looking out for yourself… work as a team. At the end of the day, make sure that you’re checking their progress as well as yours. It’s going to save you so much time and effort.”
Aiden demonstrates that motivation, commitment, and a unique outlook on life is a firm foundation for achievement. Cookie-cutter educations are not always right for everyone, and there are alternative paths to success. This young professional surely has a bright future ahead of him a broadcaster and entrepreneur.