Senior Salute 2024 – Nick Shultz

This month, we are featuring several of our graduating seniors as part of our “5th Annual EVIT Radio Senior Salute.” This year’s graduating class of 2024 boasts a remarkable number of seniors at 88.7 The Pulse, and we are thrilled to pay tribute to their dedication and achievements. Join us in honoring one of these outstanding seniors, Nick Shultz!
Meet Nick, who will also be graduating from Chaparral High School this month. After EVIT, Nick will be attending ASU in the Fall and plans to study Popular Music. Nick is the co-host of the show “The Vibe,” heard every weekday from 12pm-1pm on 88.7 The Pulse. This year, he placed 2nd in the nation in the Best PSA category at the John Drury National High School Radio Awards. Nick’s favorite EVIT memory is “hosting a radio show everyday with one of my closest friends.” And a “fun fact” about Nick is he has “more Hawaiian shirts in my closet than I do any other piece of clothing, including socks!” Congratulations & good luck Nick!