If you are reading this article that means you know how to use the internet, and I would bet a dollar that you’ve “borrowed” somebody else’s login to access one of the popular entertainment apps. At first, I heard my grandmother’s voice in my head saying “You should be ashamed of yourself!” But now, she can’t – she’s using my password for Peacock.
Instead, user passwords which used to be guarded and protected like my mum’s secret recipe are now traded around like a Harold Reynolds baseball card. (Look him up)
“You can use my HBO Max username and password if you send me your Netflix login…”
“What service is Yellowstone on now..?”
“Sorry, I can’t give you my Hulu, it’s my brother’s. But my dad has a Cox login…”
Stop me if you’ve had any of these conversations in the last month.
If you haven’t heard from your friends in awhile and you don’t feel like texting them, just change your Disney+ password and wait by the phone, it won’t take long! And good luck to you if your device resets and you have to log back in to each service, I hope your contacts are updated!
There are so many streaming services available, it’s almost impossible to keep track of which shows are where, and now the services are combining and bundling? I’m too old to look cool trying to figure all of this out, I’m not cool as it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know… “Get off my lawn!” But in my household we are navigating a recent decision to cut cable and after nearly a month I am happy to report that there are only a few conveniences that I miss.
I miss scrolling through the guide, and finding shows – mostly sporting events – that I didn’t expect to watch. Everything I watch now is on purpose, and I have to search and find it – so I’ve been watching less TV recently which is a net positive. Thank God for my old college buddies who text our group chat about games that are on! I miss the DVR that automatically recorded new episodes of all my favorite shows so I didn’t miss anything, and I really miss fastforwarding through commercials.
Then I start to wonder: Where do we go from here? What does the future look like for TV & entertainment? If only there was one service you could use that had all of the channels organized with a schedule. You could even record the shows you like! It’s crazy, I know, but I wonder if it would work? I digress…
So anyway! Enough about me, how are you? What’s going on in your world? Cool, cool, cool, glad to hear it. Hey, real quick. I hate to ask you like this, but is there any chance that you might have an AppleTV password that I could use? I still haven’t watched Ted Lasso yet…

“Coach” Mark McCann is a contributor to the Dueling Coaches Show, airing Saturdays at 8am on 88.7 fm The Pulse, streaming on 887thepulse.com, or you can download it as a podcast on all major platforms